Updated 28 Sep 2002
Just where the heck has Calyxa been?!
This page has languished for years now. I've been hiding under
a rock and not doing any Bryce stuff for the last 21-some-odd months
because I've been busy... very busy... I've had the distinct opportunity
and pleasure to be working with a team of folks at the forefront of
computer-generated landscape technology. Please visit
and see what's
been happening with MojoWorld! You won't regret it!
MojoWorld has been described as “Bryce on steroids.”
It's a whole new paradigm in landscape software. Every other
landscape renderer out there gives you a stage set. MojoWorld
is a planet, so your scenes never have an unnatural edge
to them, no matter which way you point the camera. If your
interest is with creating new worlds, MojoWorld
is for you! With the release of 2.0, the power of MojoWorld is
even more accessible. There's a free demo, go get it!
The links below have been updated, too - amazingly enough,
there were only a couple dead ones. One has been re-pointed,
the other I axed. Resiliant folks, these Brycers!